IKEA - 'It's Not a Mistake' (aka 'Start the Car!')

It aired in 12 countries – that I know of. A couple of countries remade it, shot-for-shot, complete with goofy wardrobe. TIFF has called it the 5th best Canadian commercial of all time, enshrining it in their hall of fame. It’s spawned memes and countless cries of ‘Start the Car!’ in the strangest places and situations – some of which I’ve been anonymously present for. 

Have I written better commercials in my career? I think so. But you just never know what will resonate with people and I’m proud to be part of such an iconic piece of pop culture. One of those rare projects where performances, music, and editing all came together and the client was on board. 



CW: Andrew Bradley
AD: Allan Mah
CD: Elspeth Lynn, Lorraine Tao

DIRECTOR: Mark Gilbert (Reginald Pike)
EDITOR: Leo Zaharatos (Blue Highway)
PRODUCER: Janet Woods